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About All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU)

How it began?

The All Manipur Working Journalists Union (AMWJU) was established on September 16, 1974.Earlier it was registered with the Registrar of Societies under the Manipur Societies Registration Act,1976 but later registered under the Trade Unions Act,1926 (Act,XVI of 1926) under Registration No 801 of 2014.

Aim & Objective of the Union

As enshrined in the Constitution of the Union, there are thirteen aims and objects of the AMWJU. To safeguard and promote the interest and unity of working journalists, uphold the dignity and freedom of the press, promote and maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity in journalism, strive for the betterment of the working and service conditions and wages of working journalists, address grievances of the working journalists, and uplift the social and economic condition of the working journalists can be worth mentioning.

Membership of the Union

A) Working Journalists "as defined in Section 2(F) of the Working Journalists and Other Newspaper Employees (Condition of Service and Miscellaneous) Provision Act,1955,employed by publications registered with the Registrar for Newspapers of India and working in the state of Manipur including Manipur based Correspondents or Representatives of national or foreign publications and news agencies, and journalists of the News Units of registered and regular local Cable Networks may be admitted as members of the Union.

B) Free-lance journalists with proven credibility, professional experience as a full time working journalist for a maximum period of 5 years and having an annual income of not less than Rs 30,000/- from journalistic works only may also be admitted as members.

C) Any affiliated district level working journalists union, shall nominate two members, the validity of the nomination shall be for a period of two years concurrent with term of the office bearers.

D) A member shall not have dual or more membership with any parallel organizations in the state with wide operation, failing which his/her membership will be terminated.

E) Proprietors or other persons with proprietary interest shall not be eligible for primary membership of the Union. They may however be enrolled as Associate Members of the Union without the right to contest or vote in the elections of the Union.

F) Membership including Associate membership shall be valid for a period covered by his/her subscription. Members and Associate members shall renew his/her membership annually. The admission and renewal fee shall be fixed by the Standing Committee from time to time.

Financial Assistance

AMWJU receives, financial support of ₹ 3,00,000/- ( Rupees three lakh ) per annum from Directorate of Information and Public Relations (DIPR), Government of Manipur as Manipur Press Club Maintenance Fund.