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Welcome to All Manipur Working Journalists' Union

Empowering journalists, ensuring press freedom, and improving working conditions since 1974

LIVE Event

Brief History

The All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU)

was established on September 16, 1974. Earlier it was registered with the Registrar of Societies under the Manipur Societies Registration Act,1976 but later registered under the Trade Unions Act,1926 (Act,XVI of 1926) under Registration No 801 of 2014.

  • AMWJU Standing Committee

    The AMWJU is run by elected members of its standing committee.

  • AMWJU is a fully recognized body

    The AMWJU is proudly registered and affiliated with the Indian Journalists Union.

The AMWJU conducts transparent and equitable elections to elect members of its standing committee, ensuring a democratic and inclusive representation of its dedicated members.

Manipur Press Club

The Manipur Press Club is owned and managed by the All Manipur Working Journalists' Union (AMWJU). A Management Committee looks after and manages the affairs of the Press Club under the guidance and supervision of the AMWJU's Standing Committee. The Management Committee comprises AMWJU Vice President as its Chairman, Press Club Secretary and Five members nominated from the Union members.

Facilities Available

Main Hall

Conference Rooms

Guest Rooms


Manipur Press Club

From the desk of AMWJU President

First and foremost, we stand united

to safeguard and promote the interests of working journalists across Manipur. The unity of our fraternity is the cornerstone upon which our strength is built.

In upholding the dignity and freedom of the press, we recognize the pivotal role that journalism plays in a democratic society. Our duty is not only to inform but to do so with integrity and responsibility.

We are committed to maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct in journalism. Our words and actions as journalists reflect not just upon ourselves, but upon the credibility of the entire profession.

Bijoy Kakchingtabam, President AMWJU

Press Releases

  • AMWJU and EGM Rebuttal
  • Join Press Release on Moreh Corr
  • Join Press Release on PRESS Vest
  • Joint Press Release on RAF
  • Joint Statement
  • Press Release 27-06-2023

Calendar Programme

  • Press Club Foundation Day - 6 January
  • AMWUJU General Body Meeting 1 May
  • AMWUJU foundation day - 16 September

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